
One of the company’s latest plants worth mentioning for its state-of-the-art technology is in San Giovanni in Persiceto (BO).
The plant's electrical output of 1,000 kW has been produced by the Agricultural Society at Altertecno Persiceto Bioenergy in 2009.
The plant is fed with silage from cultures dedicated (maize, sorghum, triticale), with processing waste and agricultural by-products from vegetable canning and food processing industry.
The same system has been designed and implemented to manage and treat the organic fraction of municipal waste (MSW) and waste from the entire food industry. The transformation of biogas produced by the digestion process in electricity and heat is provided by four groups of co-generation 330 kW each, one of which is maintained under the stand-by ready to intervene in case of failure or during maintenance activities the remaining groups.
This redundancy allows the generation system to have a high energy production and to guarantee 8500 hours per year of full operation. The plant generates enough energy to cover the electricity needs of about 3,000 families and the heating requirements of about 300 families.
The management of the biological process under the thermophilic at 54 ° C for obtaining a high biomass. The composting treatment of waste product leaving the plant produces a "digest" very stable and valuable agricultural use which can replace and supplement the chemical fertilizers.
The same biomass power plant that produces some of the nutrients necessary for growing additional biomass allowing you to close the cycle of energy production. In addition, the cultivation of biomass contributes to the sequestration of CO2 in the atmosphere that balances the release of CO2 due to combustion of biogas.